Unnamed Cleric
CN human (UNSPECIFIED) cleric 1 (Desna)
Str 10 0
Dex 10 0
Con 14 +2
Int 10 0
Wis 16 +3
Cha 14 +2
Fort +4 (+2 base, +2 Con)
Ref +0 (+0 base, +0 Dex)
Will +5 (+2 base, +3 Wis)
HP 10
AC 17 (+0 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield)
BAB +0
melee attack bonus +0 (+0 BAB, +0 Str)
ranged attack bonus +0 (+0 BAB, +0 Dex)
touch +0 (spell/ability)
spiked gauntlet +0 (1d4)
morningstar +0 (1d8)
dagger +0 (1d4)
dagger +0 ranged (1d4)
Combat Casting
Selective Channeling
Heal +7
Knowledge (religion) +4
Sense Motive +7
Spellcraft +4
channel energy 1d6; 5/day; DC 12 = 10 + 0 (1/2 level) + 2 (Cha)
concentration +4 = 1 (caster level) + 3 (Wis)
concentration [to cast defensively] +8 = 1 (caster level) + 3 (Wis) +4 (Combat Casting)
Domains: Chaos, Travel (+10 ft. base speed)
Agile Feet (Su): Free action to ignore terrain movement penalties for 1 round, 3+Wis (6) per day.
Touch of Chaos (Sp): Touch attack to force d20 reroll for 1 round, keep lowest; 3+Wis (6) per day.
Speed: 30 ft. (in medium armor; base 40 ft.)
scale mail, 50 gp, 30 lbs.
heavy wooden shield, 7 gp, 10 lbs.
spiked gauntlet, 5 gp, 1 lb.
morningstar, 8 gp, 6 lbs.
dagger, 2 gp, 1 lb.
holy symbol, wooden, 1 gp
miscellaneous adventuring gear TBD, up to 15 lbs.
Carrying: 48 lbs.
Capacity: 33/66/100 lbs.
Cash: 67 gp
Spells Prepared
*Domain spell
†10 min/lvl
L0: 3
create water
detect magic
L1: 1+1+1 (DC 14)
remove fear
shield of faith°