Unnamed Druid


N dwarf druid 1

Str 16  +3
Dex 14  +2
Con 14  +2
Int  8  −1
Wis 12  +1
Cha  8  −1

Fort +4 (+2 base, +2 Con) [+2 vs. spells or SLAs; +2 vs. poison]
Ref  +2 (+0 base, +2 Dex) [+2 vs. spells or SLAs]
Will +3 (+2 base, +1 Wis) [+2 vs. spells or SLAs]

HP 10

AC 19 (+2 Dex, +1 Dodge, +4 armor, +2 shield) [+4 vs. giants]
[+4 to CMD vs trip or bull rush, when standing on ground]

BAB +0
melee attack bonus +3 (+0 BAB, +3 Str)
ranged attack bonus +2 (+0 BAB, +2 Dex)
[+1 vs. orcs and goblinoids]

battle-axe +3 (1d8+3)
fist +3 (1d3+4) [4 rounds/day, with wooden fist power]
shillelagh +4 (2d6+4)
produce flame spell +3 (1d6+1)
produce flame spell +2 ranged [up to 120 ft.] (1d6+1)


Heal +5
Knowledge (nature) +5
Perception +5 [+7 to notice unusual stonework or stone straps]
Survival +7

concentration +2 = 1 (caster level) + 1 (Wis)

Domain: Plant

Wooden Fist (Su): As a free action, your hands can become as hard as wood, covered in tiny thorns. While you have wooden fists, your unarmed strikes do not provoke attacks of opportunity, deal lethal damage, and gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Darkvision 60 ft.

Speed: 20 ft.

battleaxe, 10 gp, 6 lbs.
hide armor, 15 gp, 25 lbs.
heavy wooden shield, 10 gp, 7 lbs.
heavy stick, —, 3 lbs.

miscellaneous adventuring gear TBD, up to 30 lbs.

Carrying: 41 lbs.
Capacity: 76/153/230 lbs.

Cash: 35 gp

Spells Prepared
*Domain spell
†10 min/lvl

L0: 3

create water
detect magic

L1: 1+1+1 (DC 12)

produce flame°
Categories: Characters · Pathfinder · Player Characters

Unnamed Druid