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Worlds of Adventure | Main / RagePowers

The following are all of the rage powers which are available to player character barbarians in the Worlds of Adventure campaign.

Totem tage powers

Totem rage powers grant powers related to a theme. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem rage powers; for example, a barbarian who selects a beast totem rage power cannot later choose to gain any of the spirit totem rage powers.

Rage power descriptions

Beast Totem, Lesser

While raging, the barbarian’s nails grow long, sharp, and tough, granting him two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus. The claws deal 1d6 points of slashing damage (1d4 if Small) plus the barbarian’s Strength modifier.

Beast Totem

Requires lesser beast totem rage power.

While raging, the barbarian’s skin toughens, granting him a +1 natural armor bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the barbarian has attained.

Beast Totem, Greater

Requires beast totem rage power.

While raging, the barbarian gains the ability to pounce on enemies, allowing her to make a full attack at the end of a charge. (This full attack may be made with natural weapons only, not manufactured weapons or unarmed strikes.) In addition, the critical threat range of the barbarian’s claws expands to 19–20, and her claws deal ×3 damage on a critical hit.

Clear Mind

A barbarian may reroll a failed Will save. This power is used as an immediate action after the first save is attempted, but before the results are revealed by the GM. The barbarian must take the second result, even if it is worse. This power can only be used once per rage.

Come and Get Me

While raging, as a free action the barbarian may leave herself open to attack while preparing devastating counterattacks. The barbarian takes a −4 penalty to AC until the end of the round, but every attack against the barbarian (except any attack which she dodges or blocks) provokes an attack of opportunity from her.

Elemental Totem, Lesser

The barbarian gains Elemental Fist as a bonus feat, despite not meeting the prerequisites. The barbarian can use the feat once per rage to make his unarmed strikes or natural attacks strike as elemental weapons, without having to spend a ki point. (The barbarian selects one of the following elemental energy types when he gains this ability: cold, electric, or fire. This choice cannot be changed later.)

At 4th level and every 4th level thereafter, the barbarian can use Elemental Fist one additional time per rage.

Elemental Totem

Requires lesser elemental totem rage power.

While raging, the barbarian can absorb a single attack of her chosen elemental energy type once per rage. She does not make a saving throw against the effect but takes no damage from it, instead gaining 1 temporary hit point per 3 points of damage the attack would have inflicted. These temporary hit points last until the end of the barbarian’s rage.

Elemental Totem, Greater

Requires elemental totem rage power.

After using her elemental absorption power, the barbarian may unleash the absorbed energy upon her enemies. At any point during the remainder of her rage she can unleash the stored energy as a breath weapon in either a 60-foot line or 30-foot cone. The breath weapon inflicts damage equal to the damage from the attack absorbed by the barbarian, but creatures within the area may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 12 the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Constitution modifier) for half damage even if the original effect did not allow a save.

Fearless Rage

While raging, the barbarian is immune to the shaken and frightened conditions (though she may still become panicked).

Fiend Totem, Lesser

While raging, the barbarian grows a pair of large horns, gaining a gore attack. This attack is a primary attack (unless she is also attacking with weapons, in which case it is a secondary attack) and is made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus (−5 if it is a secondary attack). The gore attack deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (1d6 if Small) plus the barbarian’s Strength modifier (or 12 Strength if it is a secondary attack).

Fiend Totem

Requires lesser fiend totem rage power.

While raging, the barbarian sprouts dozens of wicked barbs from her body. Anyone striking the barbarian with an unarmed strike or a natural weapon takes 1d6 points of piercing damage.

Fiend Totem, Greater

Requires fiend totem rage power.

While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by an aura of menace. Creatures (other than fiends) adjacent to the barbarian are shaken and take 1d6 points of slashing damage at the beginning of the barbarian’s turn as dozens of small cuts open across their flesh.

Good for What Ails You

While raging, the barbarian who takes a drink of alcohol may attempt a new saving throw against one of the following conditions that may be affecting her: blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, shaken, or sickened. If she succeeds at the save, the effect is suppressed for the duration of the rage. She also may attempt a new saving throw if poisoned; a successful save counts against those required for a cure, but a failed save has no ill effect.

Ground Breaker

Once per rage, the barbarian can attack the floor around her as a standard action. This attack automatically hits and deals damage normally. If the barbarian manages to deal more damage than the floor’s hardness, the space she occupies and the area adjacent to her become difficult terrain. Creatures in this area, except the barbarian, must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half the barbarian’s class level + the barbarian’s Strength modifier) or be knocked prone.

Guarded Life

While raging, if the barbarian is reduced below 0 hit points, 1 hit point of lethal damage per barbarian level is converted to nonlethal damage.

Guarded Stance

As a move action, the barbarian can assume a guarded stance, gaining a dodge bonus to her Armor Class equal to her Wisdom bonus, against melee attacks only, until the end of the round.

Hurling, Lesser

As a full-round action while raging, the barbarian can lift and hurl an object up to one size category smaller than herself with both hands, or two size categories smaller with one hand, as an improvised weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. This inflicts damage as a falling object plus the barbarian’s Strength bonus. This damage is halved if the object is not made of stone, metal, or similar material. This is a ranged touch attack, and the target may attempt a Reflex save (DC 10 + 12 the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Strength modifier) for half damage.


Requires lesser hurling rage power.

As lesser hurling, but the barbarian can increase the range increment to 20 feet or increase the size of a hurled object by one size category.

Hurling, Greater

Requires hurling rage power.

As hurling, but the barbarian can increase the range increment to 30 feet or increase the size of a hurled object by two size categories.

Hurling Charge

Requires hurling rage power.

While raging and making a charge attack, the barbarian may draw and throw a hurled weapon during her charge, gaining the normal +2 attack roll bonus on the thrown weapon attack as well as on the melee attack at the end of the charge. The barbarian must move at least 10 feet before using a thrown weapon and at least 10 additional feet before making a melee attack at the end of her charge. The barbarian must have a thrown weapon in hand or have one hand free at the beginning of her charge.

Intimidating Glare

The barbarian can demoralize an adjacent foe as a move action. At 12th barbarian level, she can do so as a swift action.

Internal Fortitude

While raging, the barbarian cannot be sickened or nauseated.

Keen Senses

The barbarian’s senses sharpen and she gains low-light vision while raging. If she already has low-light vision, she gains darkvision instead. She also gains the scent ability while raging.


Once per round, the barbarian can make a push attempt against one target in place of a melee attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the barbarian’s Strength modifier and is moved back as normal.


Once per round, the barbarian can make a trip attack against one target in place of a melee attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the barbarian’s Strength modifier and is knocked prone.

Liquid Courage

While raging, the barbarian increases her morale bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects by +1 for each alcoholic drink she consumes during her rage, to a maximum of +1 increase per four barbarian levels.

Moment of Clarity

The barbarian does not gain any benefits or take any of the penalties from rage for 1 round. Activating this power is a swift action. This includes the penalty to Armor Class and the restriction on what actions can be performed. This power can only be used once per rage.

No Escape

The barbarian can move up to double her normal speed as an immediate action, but she can only use this ability when an adjacent foe moves away from her. She must end her movement adjacent to the enemy that moved away. The barbarian provokes attacks of opportunity as normal during this movement. This power can only be used once per rage.

Overbearing Advance

While raging, the barbarian inflicts damage equal to her Strength bonus whenever she succeeds at an overrun combat maneuver.

Raging Climber

The barbarian adds a competence bonus on Athletics checks to climb while raging, equal to twice his rage bonus to damage rolls.

Raging Leaper

The barbarian adds a competence bonus on Athletics checks to jump while raging, equal to twice his rage bonus to damage rolls.

Raging Swimmer

The barbarian adds a competence bonus on Athletics checks to swim while raging, equal to twice his rage bonus to damage rolls.

Raging Vitality

While raging, the barbarian gains a +2 bonus on saves against poison, disease, and other effects that attack his body’s life processes. Additionally, if the barbarian is reduced below 0 hit points while raging, an additional 1 hit point of lethal damage per barbarian level is converted to nonlethal damage (this stacks with the effect of Guarded Life).

Renewed Life

While raging, the barbarian ignores the effect of one temporary negative level per four barbarian levels she has (minimum 1). Once per day, when a barbarian with temporary negative levels ends her rage, she can attempt saving throws to remove a number of negative levels equal to the number of levels she could ignore while raging.

Roaring Drunk

While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 morale bonus on Intimidate checks and to the save DC of any fear effects she creates for each alcoholic drink she has consumed during her rage, to a maximum of +1 per four barbarian levels.

Spirit Totem, Lesser

While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass her foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian. This slam attack is made using the barbarian’s full base attack bonus, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier. The slam deals 1d4 points of negative energy damage, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier.

Spirit Totem

Requires lesser spirit totem rage power.

While raging, the spirits that surround the barbarian make it difficult for her enemies to see her. The spirits grant the barbarian one-half concealment against ranged attacks and melee attacks made by creatures that are not adjacent to the barbarian (typically due to reach), and one-quarter concealment against melee attacks made by adjacent opponents.

Spirit Totem, Greater

Requires spirit totem rage power.

While raging, the spirits that surround the barbarian become dangerous to any enemy adjacent to the barbarian. Living enemies adjacent to the barbarian at the start of her turn take 1d8 points of negative energy damage. In addition, the spirit wisps can now attack foes that are up to 15 feet away from the barbarian and the slam attack deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage.

Strength Surge

The barbarian adds her barbarian level on one Strength check (or Strength-based skill check) or combat maneuver check, or to AC against one combat maneuver attempt. This power is used as an immediate action, and can only be used once per rage.

Swift Foot

The barbarian gains a 10-foot enhancement bonus to her speed. This increase is always active while the barbarian is raging. A barbarian can select this rage power twice. Its effects stack.

Terrifying Howl

The barbarian unleashes a terrifying howl as a standard action. All shaken enemies within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC equal to 10 + 12 the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Charisma modifier) or be panicked for 1d4+1 rounds. Once an enemy has made a save versus terrifying howl (successful or not), it is immune to this power for 24 hours.

Unexpected Strike

The barbarian can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into the barbarian’s threatened space, regardless of whether or not that movement would normally provoke an attack of opportunity. This power can only be used once per rage.


Rage Powers