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Druid 2
Casting Time
Standard action
V, S, M
One living creature touched
Short buff
Saving Throw
Spell Resistance
Yes (harmless)

The target’s flesh becomes thick and bark-like, turning away weapon blows, stabs, and slashes.

The target gains damage reduction 5/adamantine. (That is, it ignores the first 5 points of damage each time it takes damage from a weapon; an adamantine weapon bypasses the reduction, doing full damage.)

Once the target has taken a number of strikes in combat (that is, successful hits from attacks that deal physical damage) equal to 1 per level (maximum 10), the spell is discharged.

Material Component: Petrified darkwood worth 100 gp.



Cleric 1
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S, DF

Bane counters and dispels bless, and vice versa.


This spell improves with higher caster level, in the following ways.


All allies (or one ally) within 50 ft.
Short buff
Saving Throw
Spell Resistance
Yes (harmless)

Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. (This also improves affected creatures’ morale checks by +1.)

You may instead cast this spell upon a single ally. The ally gains the above benefits, as well as temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + caster level (to a maximum of 1d8+10 temporary hit points at caster level 10th).


Emotion, Fear
All enemies (or one enemy) within 50 ft.
Short buff
Saving Throw
Will negates
Spell Resistance

Bane fills your enemies with fear and doubt. Each enemy takes a −2 penalty on attack rolls and a −2 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. (This also worsens affected creatures’ morale checks by −2.)

You may instead cast this spell upon a single enemy. That creature takes double the listed penalties (−4 on attack rolls, saves against fear, and morale checks).

Bull’s Strength

Cleric 2, druid 2, wizard 2
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S, M/DF
One creature touched
Long buff
Saving Throw
Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance
Yes (harmless)

This spell increases the subject’s Strength score by 4 points if it is 6 or less normally, by 2 points if it’s at 7–13, and by 1 point if Strength is 14–17. (A creature with Strength 18+ gains no benefit from bull’s strength).

Arcane Material Component: A few hairs, or a pinch of dung, from a bull.

Cat’s Grace

Bard 2, druid 2, wizard 2
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S, M/DF
One creature touched
Long buff
Saving Throw
Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance
Yes (harmless)

This spell increases the subject’s Dexterity score by 4 points if it is 6 or less normally, by 2 points if it’s at 7–13, and by 1 point if Dexterity is 14–17. (A creature with Dexterity 18+ gains no benefit from cat’s grace).

Arcane Material Component: A pinch of cat fur.

Comprehend Languages

Divination, Enhancement
Bard 1, cleric 1, wizard 1, witch 1, Knowledge 1
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S, M/DF
10 min./level

You gain some facility at understanding foreign languages. The spell bestows on you the ability to understand languages as if possessing 4 ranks in the Linguistics skill. If you already have at least 4 ranks in Linguistics, comprehend languages instead grants you a +2 competence bonus on Linguistics checks made to understand a foreign language.

This spell has no effect on your ability to speak or write in foreign languages, to learn a new language, or to use innuendo.

Comprehend languages can be made permanent with a permanency? spell.

Arcane Material Component: A pinch of soot and salt.

Cone of Cold

Wizard 5, witch 6
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S, M
60-ft. cone (burst)
Instantaneous and 1 round/level (see text)
Saving Throw
Reflex half and Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance
No and Yes (see text)

Cone of cold creates an area of extreme cold, originating at your hand and extending outward in a cone. It drains heat, dealing 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). A successful Reflex save halves the damage.

Creatures that take damage from the cone of cold must also succeed at a Fortitude save or be slowed? (as the spell) for 1 round per caster level. Spell resistance applies to the slow effect (but not to the damage).

Material Component: A very small crystal or glass cone.

Cure/Inflict Light Wounds


Bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1
Casting Time
Standard action
V, S
One creature touched
Saving Throw

Cure spells counter inflict spells, and vice versa. Golems, elementals, and the like are not affected by positive or negative energy.

Cure Light Wounds

Energy, Healing

When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5).

Since undead are sustained by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds.

Inflict Light Wounds


When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel negative energy that deals 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5).

Since undead are sustained by negative energy, this spell cures such a creature of a like amount of damage, rather than harming it.

Cure/Inflict Minor Wounds


Cleric 0, druid 0

This spell works exactly like cure/inflict light wounds, except that it cures or inflicts only 1 point of damage.

Detect Magic

Bard 0, cleric 0, wizard 0, witch 0
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S
60-ft. cone (emanation)
Concentration, up to 1 minute/level

You detect magical auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject.

1st Round: Presence or absence of magical auras.

2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura.

3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Spellcraft skill checks to determine some basic information about each effect, such as the type of magic, or similar general properties. (Make one check per aura; DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + 12 caster level for a nonspell effect.)

Magical areas, multiple types of magic, or strong local magical emanations may distort or conceal weaker auras.

Aura Strength: An aura’s power depends on a spell’s functioning spell level or an item’s caster level. If an aura falls into more than one category, detect magic indicates the stronger of the two.

Lingering Aura: A magical aura lingers after its original source dissipates. If detect magic is cast and directed at such a location, the spell indicates an aura strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura).

Each round, you can turn to detect magic in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Divine Favor

Cleric 1
Casting Time
Standard action
V, S, DF
Short buff

You beseech your deity for its favor. At any time during the spell’s duration, you can reroll one attack roll. You must declare the reroll before the result of the attack roll is revealed, and you must take the second roll, even if it’s worse. After you reroll an attack, the spell ends.


This spell improves with higher caster level, in the following ways.


Bard 3, wizard 3
Casting Time
Standard action
V, S, M
One creature within Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Short buff
Saving Throw
Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance
Yes (harmless)

The transmuted creature moves and acts more quickly than normal.

A hasted creature can take an extra move action in a round. (This move action can be taken at any time, before or after any of the subject’s normal actions for the round. For example, the subject can take a full-round action, and also take the extra move action either before or after the full-round action.)

Alternatively, a hasted creature may forgo the extra move action, and instead make one extra attack when taking an attack action.

A hasted creature also gains a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class and to Reflex saves (and thus also to initiative checks).

Multiple haste effects don’t stack. Haste dispels and counters slow?.

Material Component: A shaving of licorice root.


Bard 1, wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time
8 hours
V, S, M
One touched object, or up to 1 touched object per level; see text
Saving Throw
Spell Resistance

This spell can determine the most basic functions of several magic items, or give more detailed information about a single item.

Multiple items

If used to identify several items, the spell determines the single most basic function of each magic item, and how many charges are left (if applicable). For example, a flaming sword and a flame tongue would both register as “+1d6 fire damage on a hit”. (The spell does not necessarily reveal the details of how to activate each item, such as command words for wands and similar devices; these must be discovered separately.)

If a magic item has multiple different functions that are equally basic, the DM decides (or determines randomly) which is identified.

Single item

If the spell is used to identify a single item, it reveals the most basic function of that item, as above, and the caster makes a Spellcraft check against a DC of 10 + the item’s level. If the check is successful, the caster discovers the next more advanced property of the item. For every 5 points by which the Spellcraft check succeeds, the caster discovers another property of the item. Wearing, wielding, grasping, or otherwise attempting to use the item in a way appropriate to its type grants the caster a +10 bonus on this check (but, of course, exposes the caster to any detrimental effects with which the item may afflict a user).

The DM makes this Spellcraft check in secret, as the character has no way of knowing whether he failed to identify any hidden or cursed properties of the item, or whether none exist.

Regardless of whether the check succeeds, this function of the spell reveals to the caster a vague sense of the nature of those properties of the item which he was unable to discover; for example, a caster who fails to identify the advanced properties of a robe of the archmagi might get the sense that this item offers the wearer some defensive benefits, particularly against magic, and also enhances his spellcasting in some way.

The hidden properties of items, such as a ring of elemental command, which are specially noted to be unavailable except to certain sorts of wielders, or after certain conditions are met, etc., are much more difficult to discern; the DC to discover them is increased by 20 (and they are not revealed even as a vague sense that those properties exist, if the character casting identify fails to beat this increased DC). A similar condition holds for cursed items: unless the caster beats the normal identification DC by 20, they are identified as the items which they appear to be.

Note: The properties of some kinds of magic items may be identified without use of the identify spell. See “Identifying magic items”, on the Magic Items page, for details.

The identify spell does not allow a caster to identify alchemical items of any kind. See the Alchemy skill for information on how to identify alchemical items.

Material Component: A pearl of at least 100 gp value, crushed and stirred into wine with an owl feather. (The infusion must be drunk prior to spellcasting.)

Mage Armor

Wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S, F
One creature touched
Long buff, or until discharged; see text
Saving Throw
Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.

Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Since mage armor is made of pure force, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal armor.

The armor holds until the subject has sustained cumulative physical damage totaling 8 points + 1 point per caster level, at which point the spell ends. (The armor does not absorb this damage. It merely grants the armor bonus; the subject still suffers full damage from any successful attacks.)

Focus: A piece of finely cured leather that has been blessed by a priest.

Minor Image

Wizard 2
Casting Time
Full-round action
V, S, F
Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Image that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)

You conjure an image—an insubstantial construct of light and shadow. The image is extended in three dimensions, and can appear as anything that you can visualize—one or more objects, creatures, phenomena (such as fire), and so on. The image appears solid and life-like, and may be mistaken for the real thing by observers unaware of its true nature.

Focus: A prism.


(see text)
Cleric 9
Casting Time
Full-round action or 8 hours (see text)
V, S, Special (see text)
Range, Targets, Area, Duration

See text
Saving Throw
None, see text
Spell Resistance

You don’t so much cast a miracle as request one. You state what you would like to have happen and request that your deity (or the power you pray to for spells) intercede, by channeling divine power through you to accomplish the task.

A miracle is guaranteed to be able to accomplish any of the following things:

Making a request for a miracle with one of the above effects cause the caster no disability. Duplicated spells allow saves and spell resistance as normal (but save DCs are for 9th-level spells). When a miracle spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 10,000 gp, you must provide that component.

Effects beyond the above, that may exceed these in scope and power, may be requested: turning the tide of a battle by raising fallen allies to continue fighting, protecting a city from a natural disaster, etc. (See Wishes & Miracles for a discussion about how these mighty magics work in the Worlds of Adventure campaign.) Channeling the effects of a miracle greater than the above deals the caster 2d6 points of Strength damage (but can't bring Strength below 1), and makes the caster exhausted; the exhaustion and ability damage are not curable with magic (except for an instant weekend or instant vacation potion).

Components: If miracle is cast as a standard action, it has no costly components, but if the miracle requested is one that serves the caster's personal goals, or does anything other than directly benefit the deity and the faith, a messenger of the deity soon appears and tasks the caster with a quest to be performed in payment for the miracle (the DM has the final word on such distinctions). The spell may also be cast as a ritual taking 8 hours; no quest is (usually) required in this case, but the caster must provide magical components totaling 25,000 gp (special incenses, costly sacrifices, rare crystals arranged in the right way, etc.); these are consumed in the process of the ritual. (Consult your DM for details on the acquisition of such components, as well as any special requirements — location, time of year, etc. — that such a ritual may have.)

Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound

Wizard 5
Casting Time
1 minute
V, S, M
One 20-foot cube per level (S) within Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Up to 1 hour/level; when triggered, 1 round/level (see text)
Saving Throw
Spell Resistance
Yes (see text)

You create a phantom watchdog made of magical force, which is invisible to everyone but yourself. The hound guards the area you designate, patrolling the entire length and breadth of it, though it never moves past the bounds of the spell’s effect.

If any Tiny or larger creature (or any swarm, whatever the size of its constituent creatures) enters the area, the hound automatically perceives it and begins barking loudly. (Creatures within the spell’s area at the time of its casting never trigger its barking or attacks, but intruders who leave and then re-enter are treated just like new intruders.) At the same time, the hound moves to a space adjacent to the intruder (it can disappear and instantly appear anywhere within the spell’s area) and attacks. The hound is considered to have a readied action to attack an intruder; in subsequent rounds, it attacks once per round.

The dog’s bite is considered to be a +2 weapon for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Its attack bonus is equal to your caster level plus your spellcasting ability modifier; it also gets the bonuses appropriate to an invisible creature. Its bite attack does 2d6 points, plus your caster level, of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

As a force effect, the hound can strike ethereal and incorporeal creatures, doing full damage to them. It sees invisible and ethereal creatures. The dog does not react to figments, but it does react to shadow illusions.

Creatures bitten by the dog find themselves dimensionally anchored? (spell resistance applies against this effect; check only once for each intruder). If an intruder attacked by the hound moves past the bounds of the spell, the hound cannot pursue, and ceases its attacks. While the hound is attacking an intruder, it continues barking loudly.

The spell lasts for 1 hour per level, but once the hound begins barking, it lasts only 1 round per level. If you are ever more than 100 feet from the bounds of the faithful hound’s area, the spell ends immediately.

The hound cannot be attacked, nor can it be dispelled, but any effect that brings down a wall of force? also destroys the dog (its AC against touch attacks is 10).

Two or more faithful hounds cannot share any part of their area; if you attempt to conjure a faithful hound such that its area overlaps that of an existing one, the new spell fails.

Material Component: A tiny silver whistle, a piece of bone, and a thread.

Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion

Wizard 7
Casting Time
1 minute
V, S, F
Up to three 10-ft. cubes/level (S) within Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
2 hours/level (D)

You conjure up an extra-dimensional dwelling. Though the interior of the mansion is an extradimensional space, the exterior exists on the plane from which you cast the spell, manifesting as an opulent residence that reveals its magical nature by its perfect cleanliness, immunity to weather conditions, and fantastic workmanship (in the local architectural style). Though the mansion appears to be constructed of mundane, if extravagantly expensive, building materials, its outer surfaces actually act as if they were made of magical force (as a wall of force?). The mansion is as difficult to destroy as a wall of force? is, although a disintegrate? only destroys the mansion with a successful caster level check against a DC of 11 + your caster level.

The mansion must be conjured on flat and solid ground, in a space large enough to contain it. Though it may appear to have windows or other external portals, actually the dwelling has only a single entrance on the plane from which the spell was cast, which is the mansion’s front door. Only those you designate may enter the mansion; the door is shut securely behind you when you enter, and no spell or device may open it from the outside. You may open it again from your own side at will. Teleportation into or out of the mansion is impossible (as if the interior were dimensionally locked?), nor can ethereal or incorporeal creatures pass the mansion’s borders (due to the force barriers that make up the mansion's interface with the plane around it). Planar travel to or from the mansion’s interior is possible, however.

Once observers have passed beyond the entrance, they are in a magnificent foyer with numerous chambers beyond. The atmosphere is clean, fresh, and warm. You can create any floor plan you desire to the limit of the spell’s effect. The place is furnished and contains sufficient foodstuffs to serve a nine-course banquet to a dozen people per caster level. A staff of near-transparent servants (as many as two per caster level), liveried and obedient, wait upon all who enter. The servants function as unseen servant? spells except that they are visible and can go anywhere in the mansion.

Since the place can be entered only through its magical front door, outside conditions do not affect the mansion, nor do conditions inside it pass to the plane beyond.

When you are inside the mansion, you may cast the spell again to extend the spell’s duration, adding as much time as the duration of the second casting without interrupting the mansion’s existence. However, as soon as you leave the mansion, it disappears instantly; any other creatures still inside, or any foreign objects that were brought into the dwelling, are dumped out, appearing in front of the mansion’s entrance.

Focus: A miniature ivory door, a piece of polished marble, and a silver spoon, each worth 5 gp.

Phantasmal Killer

Illusion, Fear, Phantasm, Mind-Affecting
Wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time
1 round
V, S
One living, corporeal creature per three levels, within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
1 round/level
Saving Throw
Will disbelief and Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance

You touch the minds of the targets, forming the fears of their subconscious minds into something their conscious mind can visualize: a terrifying monster. In essense, you create a phantasmal image that appears to each subject as the most frightening creature they can imagine. Only the spell’s subjects can see the phantasm, and each sees his own personal worst fear. You see only a vague shape. The targets get a Will save to recognize the image as unreal. If the save fails, they succumb to their innermost fears, cowering in terror.

At any time during the spell’s duration, you may select one of the affected targets, and as a standard action, direct the phantasmal monster to touch him. If the victim fails a Fortitude save, he has a heart attack from the intense terror; he drops suddenly to −8 hit points, then to −9 at the end of the round. If someone immediately makes a successful Heal check (DC 20) or somehow cures at least 1 point of damage, the subject stabilizes. Otherwise, at the end of the next round, the subject reaches −10 hit points and dies. Regardless of whether or not the subject succeeds at his Fortitude save, this use of the spell causes the phantasmal image to disappear, and ends the spell for all affected targets.

If the subject of a phantasmal terror’s attack succeeds in disbelieving and possesses telepathy or is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon you. You must then disbelieve it or become subject to its fear attack. If you fail your save, the spell ends for all affected subjects except you.


Bard 2, cleric 4, wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time
1 round
V, S, M/DF
One creature touched
10 min./level
Saving Throw
Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance

The creature touched gains some facility at understanding and speaking foreign languages. The spell bestows on the target the ability to speak, write, and understand languages as if possessing 8 ranks in the Linguistics skill. If the target already has at least 8 ranks in Linguistics, tongues instead grants a +2 competence bonus on Linguistics checks made to communicate.

This spell has no effect on the target’s ability to learn a new language or to use innuendo.

Tongues can be made permanent with a permanency spell.

Arcane Material Component: A clay model of a ziggurat.


(see text)
Wizard 9
Casting Time
1 round or 8 hours (see text)
V, S, Age (5 years) or 25,000 gp in special ritual components (see text)
See text
See text
See text
See text
See text
Saving Throw
None, see text
Spell Resistance

Wish is the mightiest spell a wizard can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter reality to better suit you. Even wish, however, has its limits.

The following effects are gauranteed to be within the power of a wish:

Wishes for one of the above effects cause the caster no disability (excepting the aging effect). Duplicated spells allow saves and spell resistance as normal (but save DCs are for 9th-level spells). When a wish spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 10,000 gp, you must provide that component.

Effects beyond the above, that may exceed these in scope and power, may be wished for. (See Wishes & Miracles for a discussion about how these mighty magics work in the Worlds of Adventure campaign.) A wish for an effect greater than the above deals the caster 2d6 points of Strength damage (but can’t bring Strength below 1), and makes the caster exhausted; the exhaustion and ability damage are not curable with magic (except for an instant weekend or instant vacation potion).

Components: If wish is cast as a standard action, it ages the caster 5 years but has no costly components. The spell may also be cast as a ritual taking 8 hours; the caster suffers no aging in this case, but must provide magical components totaling 25,000 gp (special incenses, costly sacrifices, rare crystals arranged in the right way, etc.); these are consumed in the process of the ritual. (Consult your DM for details on the acquisition of such components, as well as any special requirements—location, time of year, etc.—that such a ritual may have.) At the completion of the ritual, the caster may choose to have the effects of the wish occur immediately, or he may wish to store it for later activation.

In the latter case, the caster must first prepare a spell scroll, using the Arcane Script skill (this works just like scribing a scroll of a 9th-level spell normally does, except that the spell need not actually be cast yet). When the ritual is completed, the power of the wish is stored in the scroll, which may be read later. (This is the only way that scrolls of wish may be created, and the only such scrolls that can exist; a scroll of wish may never contain a "general" wish spell usable to wish for any effect.) When storing the power of a wish spell in a scroll, the caster need only specify the type of effect he chooses, not the details (for example, a wish scroll may contain a wish for travelers to be transported, but need not specify exactly which creatures are to be moved, nor the source or destination of travel).

